A Phone Photo Tour Through Mallory's Spring Break

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We didn't go anywhere vacationy and fantastic this spring break....but we did get lots of homework done!.......Yeah that's not the only thing we did over spring break or I would have just given up on existing. And would definitely not be posting this post right now. So here's a tour through my spring break through iphone photos! Woo yay! 

Spring break started off with Easter which was wonderful. We spent the first part of the day brunching with Chris's family and then Easter dinner with my mom who always kills it in the delicious treats that are also SO CUTE department.  
It would not be a proper Easters without some quality chicken time with my mum's adorable chicks. She has five of them and they are soooo cute and HILARIOUS. This girl's name is Frida Kahlo, which is rad.
On Easter my mom's kitty Mimsy actually came around and hung out with us for a while! My mom recently adopted her from a situation that was pretty much abusive and Mimsy has major anxiety about any noise and any movement that happens ever so the fact that she hung out with us was kind of a big deal. ISN'T SHE PRETTY? Insert heart eyes emoji. 
Chris & I also took a trip up to Cactus & Tropicals which is pretty much glorious plant HEAVEN. So many adorable cactus and succulents ohhh my gosh. I could spend so many dollars here. All the dollars. 

We walked out with three succulents, a cactus, and an aralia plant. Love our new little plant babies.
No school = quality time with Eevie girl.
While I did some spring cleaning I let Eevie go outside which she usually never does. She was rolling around and LOVING the sunshine and just being the CUTEST

She liked hangin' out in the bleeding hearts.
On Friday Robyn and I went up to The Pie Pizzeria for our bestie best love Anni's birthday celebration with a bunch of other work friends. It was such a fun laughy night!! Plus PIZZA. 
This picture is really terrible quality...but MAN are these some splendid people!! 
Walks in the amazing park near our house also happened. These tulips eh???

Today a miraculous thing happened: I woke up and had desire to exercise. So we drove up Provo Canyon and went on a lil hike! We could see all of Utah Valley and Salt Lake Valley from up here...a perfect and satisfying hike indeed.

Str8 kickin it OG style on the mtn w/ BAE
The last spring break activity....my brother Wyatt and I made matcha mushipan cakes, this wonderful Japanese recipe that can be found here and they were sooo gooood! If you don't know the gloriousness that is matcha, it is this green tea powder that tastes earthy and fresh yet sweet at the same time. It is freaking DELICIOUS. Go get a Matcha Green Tea Blast Smoothie from Jamba Juice and you'll be obsessed as I am.

The cakes are steamed so they're super moist and fluffy and YUM

How pretty are they?? 

A most satisfying spring break, if I do say so! If you were on spring break too, what did you do?
I hope you all have a great week! XO

Love, Mallory

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