Colours in the Sky

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Guys I did a thing. I filmed & edited my very first video ever!! Am I cool yet? Ha. But srsly I'm way excited about this new "skill" that I figured out by watching tutorials and using Google a whole bunch. Which is pretty much how to learn to do anything these days right?
The video I made was of our Fourth of July evening last night. The tradition is to attend the BBQ potluck and "Cul-de-Sac of Fire" at Chris's parents house. You'll get just a taste of this magnificent event in the video.
It's not the best quality cause it was taken on my phone in the dark so I'd recommend watching it in HD on Vimeo but....enjoy :)

I hope you had an amazing Fourth. America is just magnificent. 
Love, Mallory

1 comment:

  1. I love this Mal! Seemed like such a beautiful night with the cutest couple and to top it off, perfect song choice! Can't wait to see more! :) -Cyn


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