In Which We Traipse: Ham's Birthday in SLC

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A few days ago, Robyn and I traipsed around Salt Lake City with our besties Anni and Meghan (affectionately known as Ham) for Meghan's birthday. Ham is a serious gem. She is so wise and strong and loyal and I strive to be as in-tune with her emotions as she is. A fond memory is listening to the Harry Potter books on tape with her at work and on road trips. There are not many people in this world that, in any given situation, would joyfully say yes when asked, "Hey, can we listen to HP on tape right now?" Ham's one of those people. Seriously, I am so grateful for this. See? Now you see how much of a gem she is.

If you hadn't noticed by now, traipsing is what Robyn and I do best. It was a lovely eve that brought happiness to my core. Should you wish to create such a feeling, proceed to the following steps:

1. Go to Cafe Trio in Salt Lake and partake of delicious nosh such as three cheese ravioli with butternut squash sauce and cheese pizza with balsamic drizzle.
2. Delight in the company of your adorable friends. 
3. Go to Gourmandise for baked sweet treats.
4. Ogle at the divine sunset happening over your heads and take an entire camera roll of pictures of it.
5. Order different pastries - bonus if they correspond to each of your personalities - and sample each other's.
6. On the walk out to your car, make sure to pursue any and all sounds of kittens meowing. It would be most improper to turn one's nose up at scavenging for a tiny scared kitten. 
7. Go to Whole Foods Market in downtown for the sole purpose of purchasing vanilla petit fours, but also dotingly admire the impressive cheese selection, smell all the candles, and freak out over the plants, namely the orchids and fresh cut peonies. 
8. Spend far too much time in Whole Foods because it's a magical place. And make sure to take more sunset pictures from the parking garage because you can't not. 

Love, Mallory

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