Essential Oils 101

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Let's talk OILS.

We mentioned in our very first post that the two of us met at work. That work just happens to be doTERRA! Yes, doTERRA, the essential oil company! In our combined 4 ½ years working there, we’ve picked up some pretty grand oil tips. One time we even gave a training on the oils to our coworkers and it was Hunger Games themed and we dressed up as Effie Trinket and Caesar Flickerman and talked and acted like them and everything. Cause you know how we do.

Anywhays...I don’t know about Robyn, but when I first started working at doTERRA I barely had a speck of knowledge of essential oils as far as what they did, how you used them, etc. And maybe you're thinking the same thing: "What the devil are essential oils??" (said in your most confused-sounding British accent). But from clueless beginnings rise fountains of knowledge. Or something. My point is, Robyn and I are now using multiple oils and doTERRA products every. Single. Day.

What it comes down to is using the essential oils alongside a healthy lifestyle basically bumps you up to THE NEXT LEVEL of healthy lifestyle-ocity. Their benefits on the body and mind are simply wonderful. No matter your age, gender, lifestyle, occupation, religion, hair color, zodiac sign, preferred cereal brand, etc etc, there is an essential oil that can spice up your life. We promise.

Here are the basics of using essential oils that we've learned:

Aromatic use: According to doTERRA’s Dr. David Hill, using essential oils aromatically is the most effective way to reap the benefits of the oils. You can experience the oils aromatically by putting a drop or two in your hand, cupping it to your nose and inhaling, diffusing the oil with a diffuser, or applying it to your chest so the delicious fumes waft delightfully upwards into your nostrils.

Topical use: All ya gotta do is put that oil right on the affected area. Some oils (like oregano) are hot and you HAVE to dilute them a lot (usually with coconut oil) to make sure they’re safe to put on your skin.

Internal use: If you are going to take the oils internally, you MUST make sure you’re consuming an oil that is in its pure form and doesn’t have any fillers or additives. Those are the things that can make you sick and such. Never fear: doTERRA oils are totally completely pure! The easiest way I have found to take the oils internally is to put the drops into a veggie capsule (which you can buy at doTERRA or at health food stores) and just swallow the capsule. Since it’s made with vegetable ingredients, the capsule dissolves in your stomach. So easy!!

Now that you're a pro on essential oil basics, here are some of our most favorite ways to use the essential oils:

  • Two drops of Peppermint in a capsule to soothe digestive troubles
  • A drop of Melaleuca (tea tree), Lemon, Cedarwood, Frankincense, or Coriander (or a combination of these) mixed with my face lotion to help with clear, healthy, youthful skin
  • Melaleuca as a spot treatment for skin, for any skin irritations, like redness or bumps, canker sores...the list goes onnnnnn
  • A drop of Geranium applied to wounds to support the healing process
  • A couple drops of Deep Blue oil massaged into sore muscles, and once that’s soaked in, a thin layer of Deep Blue Rub applied over the top
  • One part isopropyl alcohol, one part vinegar, one part water, and then about 10 drops of Purify oil blend for a safe and super effective homemade cleaner

  • A few drops of Coriander, Lemon, Bergamot, and Helichrysum for clear skin. I don't apply these all at once, and I don't mix them with anything. For example, in the morning I might do Helichrysum and Bergamot and Lemon and Coriander at night.
  • Several drops of Hawaiian Sandalwood massaged into the base of my spine to help with spinal alignment and sore muscles
  • Several drops of Grapefruit and Zendocrine oil massaged directly onto my stomach to help cleanse and detox when I feel blah
  • Three drops of DigestZen oil massaged directly onto my stomach to soothe digestive troubles
  • Alternating Cypress, Aromatouch, Frankincense, and Thyme to help with an ache my left lower leg experiences frequently

So, what do you guys think? Do you love the oils? Never tried them? Which ones are your favorites? And your best tips and tricks for using them?
Would you be interested in an Essential Oil Giveaway??
Let us know if there is something you want to learn more about! This surely won't be the last time you hear about oils from us....:)

Disclaimer: Any views expressed in this blog post do not necessarily reflect the views of doTERRA management. Any opinions expressed are personal opinions and not doTERRA's position. Due to FDA regulations, doTERRA does not recommend or prescribe essential oils for specific illnesses or conditions. 


  1. I'm so happy for you guys starting a blog together! You guys are some of the best ladies I know. Thanks for the oil tips. Melaleuca + Cedarwood = Happy Skin

    1. Jaja, thanks Valer-bear. We SO appreciate how excited you always are about the blog; it really means a lot. Besos

  2. Love this post! You two are both so intellegent, and not just when it comes to oils! I'm def gonna try the skin care suggestions, never knew coriander was good for skin. Love you both!

    1. Yes, Coriander is awesome for skin because of all the antioxidants it has. Thanks McCall! We love you!

  3. Love the blog & love you two! Mallory, I'm totally stealing your Deep Blue oil mixed with the Deep Blue rub, might be the cure for when I'm sore after basketball! Robyn, I'm all over the DigestZin oil idea for digestive stuff too. Great tips, great blog, great girls!

    1. Gosh, thank you so much! We are sooo pleased to have you here!

  4. I may or may not have just read all of the blog posts. It's fine. I just couldn't stop reading! I also may have just been convinced to try essential oils. And go to waffle love immediately. Who needs to study for finals when you can read an amazing blog?! But seriously Mal, I'm loving all of this.


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