Purrs and Grrs from Mallory's week...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Purr: Getting my kitty Eevie to wear a harness and starting our daily three minute walk practice up the stairs outside our front door

Grr: Having a dream about Anne Hathaway as a blood-covered slave locked in a room in a mansion with the task of killing every zombie that the mansion owners throw in the room with her bare hands. Like....WTF?

Purr: Skipping class just 'cause......and studying from the comfort of my couch with a Jamba Juice matcha green tea smoothie in hand instead

Grr: The fact that I have to skip class just to get in adequate studying time for said class. Oh college.

Purr: Evenings spent chatting and eating delicious cheesy crusty sourdough bread sandwiches and watching the Bachelor with my mom

Grr: Absolutely trudging through this week of work because it was the first full week of Robyn being gone and working at corporate miles away from me, and hardly seeing her at all, which in turn has resulted in much sadness and much built-up word vomit on both our parts that needs spewing post haste.

Purr: Payday. And immediately rushing to the nearest Target to purchase ice cream and Nutella and toilet bowl cleaner (only the necessities of course) with the newly inflated bank account

Grr: There is like a 20-minute window in which I have adequate natural lighting in my apartment for picture taking (and not to mention that virtually NO plants can survive in our apartment because of said lighting - or lack thereof) or else there probably would have been more blog posts this week filled with pretty pictures...I'm sorry guys

Purr (This Purr is very appropriate & necessary): Eevie is scrunched up all cuddled on my chest as I type this and purring like MAD with her little head resting on my arm. While wearing her walking harness. It doesn't get much better than that.

and finally...

Purr: IT'S FRIDAY. And I'm gonna go tromp around wonderful IKEA with Robyn and some other lovely friends and indulge in delicious delights afterwards.

Any juicy purrs and grrs from your week that you'd like to share? We'd love to laugh/cry/delight/pity party with you.

A big ol' cheers to the weekend!
Love, Mallory

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